There's No Joy in Pandemic Life, But There Is a Rainbow Owl

There's No Joy in Pandemic Life, But There Is a Rainbow Owl

One night recently during the stuffed animal puppet show my 6-year-old makes me do with him at bedtime several nights a week, I created a back story for one of his main stuffies — Rainbow Owl.

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Our Favorite Things During a Pandemic

Our Favorite Things During a Pandemic

One of the foundational pieces of media from my childhood is The Sound of Music. How important is the movie to my family? Let’s just say it’s one of those things where when someone marries into the family, other people who have previously married in sometimes warn the newcomer that adequate reverence for The Sound of Music is both encouraged and mandatory.

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Bewildering Bedtime Conversations

Bewildering Bedtime Conversations

My 5-year-old and I have many deep and profound conversations at night while we’re lying in his bed. Well, deep and profound might be a bit of a stretch, but they are sometimes interesting, and I often learn a thing or two about his day.

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Hitting the Snooze Button on #BigBen

In honor of B’s birthday week, welcome to another installment of our new favorite series: Things B Does That Annoy Us. Just kidding! It’s definitely nothing personal; any parents out there who have had a difficult sleeper will understand the struggle. For those of you who don’t have or have never had a B, go back to watching The Bachelor on TV while eating bon-bons or whatever it is you do at night.

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