When the Little Moments Outshine the Big Ones

When the Little Moments Outshine the Big Ones

I certainly expected that first drop-off to be more dramatic and emotional. So, after the first day was successfully in the books, I figured we were out of the woods. I was wrong.

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Raising a Practical Jokester

Raising a Practical Jokester

My five-year-old, Jacob, is a master of sleight of hand and deception. There is nothing he enjoys more than savaging an unsuspecting mark with a brutal practical joke. Well, as long as the target is okay with it. And, even then, it’s good to take precautions to avoid any unnecessary mess or inconvenience. It’s important to take a paper towel or two along just in case there’s a mess that requires immediate cleaning up.

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Green Day Concerts and Facebook Likes

Green Day Concerts and Facebook Likes

Over the weekend my wife and I took a one-night trip to West Palm Beach to take in a Green Day concert and get one night of uninterrupted sleep. As we were walking into the amphitheater, I couldn't help but notice that I was the only one who had printed my tickets on card stock. Pretty embarrassing for everyone else. As it turns out, though, while card stock is undeniably classy, it is a bit hard to fold up and store after entry. Luckily, my shirt had a handy breast pocket that was perfect for the job!

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Will It Be Beautiful There?

Will It Be Beautiful There?

“Daddy! Daddy! DADDY!!” my 5-year-old exclaims from his perch in the back seat of our car.

“Yes, bud. What?” I finally reply. We are in the middle of a one-sided conversation about our impromptu trip to the fruit and vegetable stand and I am a little annoyed I have to respond since I have been listening to an uninterrupted monologue for several minutes.

“Is it going to be beautiful there?”

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What Are We Doing to Our Boys? A Clown’s Story

What Are We Doing to Our Boys? A Clown’s Story

I came across a story on Twitter in the aftermath of Charlottesville. I took screen grabs of it so you can read the thread in full. As you'll see, it starts out with "Hey everyone I'm a clown." Of course, after reading the first phrase I was completely in on the story no matter what it was going to be. The fact that she followed it up with "and here's my take on male violence in America" was icing on the cake.

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Parenting Your Way Through a Zombie Apocalypse With Author James Breakwell

Parenting Your Way Through a Zombie Apocalypse With Author James Breakwell

An interview with author James Breakwell (aka Exploding Unicorn) about his forthcoming book...and zombies.

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I'm Beginning to Suspect My 3-Year-Old is Living in an Alternate Timeline

I'm Beginning to Suspect My 3-Year-Old is Living in an Alternate Timeline

Our oldest child, Jacob, recently started kindergarten. As you might expect, it has been the main event in our household and the driving force behind our daily schedule. Where our mornings used to be a slow, often unpredictable and messy morass of waking, dozing, eating, and sometimes returning to bed or falling back to sleep on various pieces of furniture between the hours of five and eight, we now operate with military-like precision. Well, maybe military-like precision is overstating it a little, but we have made it to school on time for the first seven days!

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Sometimes Long-Distance Relationships Work: An IRL Anniversary

Sometimes Long-Distance Relationships Work: An IRL Anniversary

My wife and I met for the first time in person on this day nine years ago. However, we met online several months before that on Facebook (thanks Mark Zuckerber).

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Busting Signs and YouTube Videos

Busting Signs and YouTube Videos

In addition to fishing and boating, another of my passions as a child was busting signs. What? You know, busting signs! Those big paper banners that high school cheerleaders paint “Go Team” or whatever on that the football team charges through as they enter the field. Busting signs.

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School Days

School Days

My oldest child starts kindergarten this week. As you might imagine, I'm pretty conflicted. I'm excited for him and I know that he's ready. And to be honest, the summer has been long and hot and demoralizing at times and I know a little bit of space and time apart will be good for all of us. Three kids under age six stewing together under one roof for months on end is a volatile recipe. But still, I'm apprehensive.

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Row, Row, Row Your Boat, In the Right Direction, Preferably

Row, Row, Row Your Boat, In the Right Direction, Preferably

I finally got the chance to share two of my greatest passions, fishing and boating, with my boys. And, even better, we knocked both activities out in the span of a couple hours. A father's dream fulfilled!

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Finding Nirvana Through Carvana

Finding Nirvana Through Carvana

It was an ordinary evening in small-town Americana when the car arrived. The pre-twilight air was damp and heavy after the rains. The sun was just dropping below the trees in the west when the truck, carrying a resplendent blue Buick sedan, pulled up in front of the house.

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The Rock

The Rock

There’s this game my two sons love to play every time they get out of the shower or bath. And, to be clear, I am using “game” in the loosest most 3- and 5-year-old sense of the word. Parental torture activity is another term I could use. I’m not sure when or how it started exactly, but as is often the case with kids, it quickly became an indispensable ritual.

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We’re Running Out of Time

We’re Running Out of Time

Our oldest child, Jacob, starts kindergarten next month. The public elementary school he will be attending has a Spanish immersion program in which roughly half of the school day is taught in Spanish and half in English. I was very excited when I found out about this program because I’ve always wanted my kids to master a second language. Besides having a bilingual parent, which he doesn’t, what better way to accomplish that goal than to start young? And to have it right there at his public school. Perfect.

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A Turtle Doesn't Run Through It

A Turtle Doesn't Run Through It

We found a turtle on our street this evening and I couldn’t help but think of our dearly departed friend Yertle. (For any new readers, you can catch up on Yertle’s story here and here.)

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Amazing! You Can Make A Camera From Everyday Household Items That Takes Real Pictures In Just 7 Easy Steps

Amazing! You Can Make A Camera From Everyday Household Items That Takes Real Pictures In Just 7 Easy Steps

Summer vacation is here and you know what that means: Time to get crafty with the kids! If you’re looking for a fun and easy activity to keep your little scientist entertained during those long summer days, we have just the thing.

You will not believe how easy it is to make a fully-functional camera out of a few items you definitely have lying around your house right now. And yes, it takes real pictures! Can you say unbelievable?

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Fatherhood Reflections on Father’s Day

Fatherhood Reflections on Father’s Day

This weekend marks my sixth Father’s Day and I can’t think of a better time to reflect on fatherhood than an arbitrary holiday created because men felt slighted that there was an arbitrary holiday created to honor mothers.

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To My Little Girl on Her First Birthday

To My Little Girl on Her First Birthday

Wow. Time has flown, hasn’t it? It’s hard to believe that it’s already been a year since you joined our family. Just kidding! When you have three kids under six, every day can feel like a lifetime. I believe you’ve met your brothers, no? Right, yes. The ones that make a lot of noise. Like all the time. So yeah, you totally understand where I’m coming from.

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Parenting With Social Anxiety

Parenting With Social Anxiety

You will notice that this post is a bit different than most for a couple of reasons. First, rather than sharing a story here, I am sharing a link to a story I wrote that was published last week on another site. Second, the story in question isn't all that funny and most of you won't even have access to it anyway because it's behind a paywall (bummer!). 

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